formula student
about formula student
Formula Student is the world’s biggest competition for engineers. Every year competitions are held all across the globe. Founded by the «Society of Automotive Engineers» in 1981, the first competition in Europe took place in 1998. At present, there are more than 600 teams from universities all over the world competing with their self-constructed race cars.
The goal is to develop and provide a platform for student engineers to experience, build, and learn. It offers a unique way to test students’ theoretical knowledge in a practical context. Students gain and develop skills such as engineering, project management and team work.
The winner is not necessarily the team with the fastest car, but the one with the best package regarding construction, performance, financial planning and sales arguments.
Statics (325 Points):
Business Plan
75 Pt.
Cost and Manufacturing
100 Pt.
Engineering Design
150 Pt.
Dynamics (675 Point):
75 Pt.
75 Pt.
100 Pt.
dynamic events
AccelerationThe Acceleration event evaluates the car’s acceleration in a straight line, from a standing start, over 75 meters.
Skid PadThe objective of the Skid Pad event is to measure the car’s lateral grip on a flat surface while making a constant radius turn.
Auto CrossAutocross tests the cars dynamic ability in a one lap sprint. Two drivers are given two attempts at the course. The objective of the autocross event is to evaluate the car’s maneuverability and handling qualities on a tight course without the hindrance of competing cars. The autocross course will combine the performance features of acceleration, braking, and cornering into one event.
Fuel EfficiencyThe car’s fuel efficiency is measured in conjunction with the Endurance event. Fuel usage and lap times are combined to determine how efficiently the car uses fuel. Here, a compromise between speed and power must be found.
EnduranceThe Endurance event is 22 kilometers long driven on a track similar to Autocross. Two drivers each drive half of the distance with a mandatory pit stop at the midpoint. The car must stop and start under its own power and no refueling or repairs are allowed. A team must finish Endurance in order to earn any points from Fuel Efficiency or Endurance. Consistency and reliability is key for this event.
325 Pt.
100 Pt.
static events
AccelerationThe Acceleration event evaluates the car’s acceleration in a straight line, from a standing start, over 75 meters.
Skid PadThe objective of the Skid Pad event is to measure the car’s lateral grip on a flat surface while making a constant radius turn.
Auto CrossAutocross tests the cars dynamic ability in a one lap sprint. Two drivers are given two attempts at the course. The objective of the autocross event is to evaluate the car’s maneuverability and handling qualities on a tight course without the hindrance of competing cars. The autocross course will combine the performance features of acceleration, braking, and cornering into one event.
Fuel EfficiencyThe car’s fuel efficiency is measured in conjunction with the Endurance event. Fuel usage and lap times are combined to determine how efficiently the car uses fuel. Here, a compromise between speed and power must be found.
EnduranceThe Endurance event is 22 kilometers long driven on a track similar to Autocross. Two drivers each drive half of the distance with a mandatory pit stop at the midpoint. The car must stop and start under its own power and no refueling or repairs are allowed. A team must finish Endurance in order to earn any points from Fuel Efficiency or Endurance. Consistency and reliability is key for this event.